Sunday, June 24, 2012

More For Your SMILIN' JACK Airport

 March 13, 1936.  More cut-outs by Zack Moseley  from the "SMILIN' JACK" comic strip.  REARWIN Speedster.  95 H.P. Cirrus or 125 H.P. Menasco.  Top speed with 95 H.P. Engine = 144 M.P.H.  Cruising range = 600 miles.
 April 10, 1936.  The BELLANCA BOMBER.  Wright "Cyclone" Engines 715 H.P. each.  Top speed = 175 M.P.H.  Gross weight = 17, 749 LB.
 May 08, 1936.  BOEING 247-D  TRANSPORT.  Pratt & Whitney Engines.  Second place winner of 1934 MacRobertson England to Australia Handicap Race.  Turner and Pangborn, Pilots.
July 17, 1936.  LOCKHEED 12.  Eight-place, all-metal Transport - - Top Speed 231 M.P.H.  P. & W., Wright or Menasco Engines.

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