Tuesday, June 19, 2012

BEN-HUR and Amrah Cut-Outs

 August 29, 1943.  BEN-HUR: A Tale of the CHRIST was written by Lew Wallace and was published in 1880.  This illustrated version of the story ran in the comic section of many papers in 1943 and included cut-outs.   This cut-out is of course BEN-HUR.  Great book and it was turned into a very good movie starring Charlton Heston.

September 05, 1943.  AMRAH, the faithful nurse of BEN-HUR.


  1. Awesome. I was obsessed with the 1959 movie when I was in high school...fantastic stuff. Where do you find all these??

  2. Thanks Heather. I love newspaper archives. Old papers are full of wonderful items - it just takes a lot of time.
