Monday, September 3, 2012

Say Howdy To MR. BROWN

June 17, 1902.  "Here is a picture of old Mr. Brown walking quietly along the street one beautiful morning.  He meets a great many people he knows, and, being a polite old fellow, is anxious to take his hat off and bow to one and all.  Let's see if we can help him.  With the scissors first cut him out, being sure not to snip off that square piece beneath his feet, and also not to forget the arm and hat.  Then cut through the dotted lines on the old man's waistcoat marked "A" in the picture, and through both of these slits from the back run the part "A" of the arm.  Bend the stand on the dotted line "B B", and Mr. Brown will be able to keep himself erect with no one's aid.  Then with the finger work the arm up and down from behind him, and I'm sure you will find that the old gentleman can bow very nicely and won't slight any of his friends.  Mr. Brown will have more backbone to perform his duty and his pleasure if you paste the figure on a light piece of cardboard."

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