Monday, August 13, 2012


September 17, 1899.  "Major General Henry W. Lawton, who ranks next to Otis in the Philippines, is one of the most picturesque figures in the American army.  He was born 56 years ago in Maumee, O., and was afterward known in that town as "the torment."  July 18, 1861, he enlisted as sergeant in the Ninth Indiana Infantry; was commissioned first lieutenant 30th Indiana Infantry August 30, 1861; captain May 17, 1862; lieutenant colonel Nov. 15, 1864; and was mustered out brevet colonel Nov. 5, 1865.  He was commissioned second lieutenant in the Fourth infantry of the regular army, July 28, 1866; first lieutenant July 31, 1867; transferred to the Fourth cavalry Jan. 1, 1871; made captain March 20, 1879.  His most famous exploit was the capture of the Apache chief Geronimo, when he walked alone into the hostile camp and compelled the surrender.  For this piece of bravery and tact he was made a major in the inspector general's department, Sept. 17, 1888.  Feb. 12, 1889, he was promoted to be lieutenant colonel.  When the Spanish War broke out he was made brigadier-general of volunteers and assigned to command of a division of the Fifth Army Corps.  July 8, 1898, he was appointed major general of volunteers, and is now fighting in the Philippines." - - - - Another History Doll from the Boston Globe.

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