Saturday, March 10, 2012

Sailor Jack and Miss Frenchy, 1923

July 29, 1923. "AMERICAN JACK. Dolls of different nations would not be much to our liking unless one was from our very own land. So here's a sailor at salute, a bit young and awkward, we'll admit, but patriotic, and promising if you make him up according to instructions." (Directions for making Jack into a stuffed cloth doll followed, which I skipped.) "Lots of children who are not large enough to sew and make these dolls from many lands have the collection in paper dolls. You can readily see how easy it is to cut, color and paste Jackie into a good strong paper sailor. He wouldn't be much good in water, but this is a dry-land sailor anyway."

June 24, 1923. "THE FRENCH FLOWER GIRL. This month we have a dear little doll from another land - that is, she will be pretty if you make her just so!"

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