Wednesday, March 28, 2012

EASTER is just around the corner . . .

March 22, 1936. And BOOTS can hardly wait to try on some of her new things. Many thanks to Edgar Martin.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Pretty Children, 1916

March 19, 1916.

February 13, 1916. Two pretty newspaper paper dolls.

Peter's 75th Birthday

March 21, 1977. A newspaper coloring contest celebrating the 75th birthday of Peter Rabbit.

EASTER Fashions, 1962

March 27, 1962. "I'm MARY MAY and I'm all dressed up for Easter in pretty new cotton dresses frosted with bunny white embroidery, laces and edgings . . . the sweet confections all ladies like on their very best dresses. On Easter I'll wear one with my hat, gloves and handbag, and all summer long I can have them for parties. May Co. Youth Center, all 7 stores. CUT me out, paste me on cardboard and color my hair and wardrobe. Nylon bouffant slip, ribboned and laced, with camisole top. Sizes 3 to 14, 4.00."

Friday, March 23, 2012

Italian Recipe Notes, by YORKRAFT

YORKRAFT, Set 34. I found this set of lovely note-cards in a thrift store. All of the cards in the set are different and each has a recipe on the back of the card.

EASTER Best-Dressed, 1991

March 23, 1991. From The Mini Page by Betty Debnam. The Mini Page appeared in newspapers all across the United States.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Time To Color Cats and Rabbits

April 30, 1922. These cut-outs appeared in newspapers as "May Baskets" but I think the baskets would be cute for EASTER. Color and then fold sides up along the dash-lines.

Time To Color Rabbits

March 24, 1975. An EASTER newspaper coloring contest sponsored by Food Land.

See What BABE Has Planned For Easter, 1934

March 24, 1934. Help BABE get ready for Easter with your paints, pencils or crayons. Many thanks to Edgar Martin.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

HERKY The Clothing Designer, 1936

April 12, 1936. "HERKY DESIGNS LOIS' NEW EASTER TOGS!" From the comic strip, HERKY, by Clyde Lewis.

Take Home A Bunch Of SPRING, 1974

February and March, 1974. I am a fan of the coloring contests sponsored by The Chicago Flower and Garden Show. Do they still have these coloring contests?

Sunday, March 18, 2012

EASTER Fashions, 1964

March 12, 1964. "Be an Easter Bunny, Honey! You can win a prize in our Paper Doll Coloring Contest." "Every Dress Here is A REAL Cinderella From a New Whopping Eye-Stopping Easter Collection." This newspaper ad appeared in The Great Bend Daily Tribune in March of 1964 for the store, WILEY's.

Time To Color Rabbits

March 07, 1975. George and Martha Bunny are getting ready for Easter.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

More SLT Junior Paper Dolls, 1936

March 15, 1936. An Irish Colleen paper doll by Kathryn Crane for St. Patrick's Day.

March 08, 1936. Another cutout doll by Marjorie Miller.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Angel Of The Trenches, 1899

June 04, 1899. "Florence Nightingale was born in Florence, Italy, in May, 1820. She was the younger daughter of William Edward Shore, a banker of Sheffield, England, who inherited the estates of Peter Nightingale and assumed that surname. After special training she went to the army in the Crimea in 1854 as superintendent of a corps of volunteer female nurses, and organized a hospital at Scutari. Within three weeks three thousand soldiers were being cared for. In the face of great discouragements she made her hospital a model institution, and all the other hospitals on the Bosphorus were placed under her charge as lady in chief. She suffered a severe attack of fever and returned to England in 1856 with broken health which was never fully restored. The Queen sent her a jewel and a letter of thanks, a fund of $250,000 was raised to found a school for nurses under her direction, and the soldiers of the Crimean War made a penny contribution to raise a statue in her honor, which she would not permit. She has published books on nursing, hospital notes, and observations on the sanitary state of the army in India. Florence Nightingale, the angel of the trenches, is alive today, having celebrated her 79th birthday during the month just passed, at her residence 5 Hyde Park sq., London, W."

Sailor Jack and Miss Frenchy, 1923

July 29, 1923. "AMERICAN JACK. Dolls of different nations would not be much to our liking unless one was from our very own land. So here's a sailor at salute, a bit young and awkward, we'll admit, but patriotic, and promising if you make him up according to instructions." (Directions for making Jack into a stuffed cloth doll followed, which I skipped.) "Lots of children who are not large enough to sew and make these dolls from many lands have the collection in paper dolls. You can readily see how easy it is to cut, color and paste Jackie into a good strong paper sailor. He wouldn't be much good in water, but this is a dry-land sailor anyway."

June 24, 1923. "THE FRENCH FLOWER GIRL. This month we have a dear little doll from another land - that is, she will be pretty if you make her just so!"

Thursday, March 8, 2012

LEOLA Is Ready For Gardening, 1941

May 18, 1941. Another LEOLA Cut-Out Doll by Leola Farr.

RETURN OF THE JEDI Coloring Contest

July 10, 1983. So far this is the only newspaper coloring contest I have been able to find for any of the STAR WARS movies. I still remember the excitement of going to see the original movies in this series - so much fun! I have not seen any of the new STAR WARS movies. May the Force be with you.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Mimi, Linda and Bonne

February 20, 1949. Mimi, of France by Sally Dunnean, age 13.

May 01, 1949. Linda, The Dancer, by Margarette Holman, age 15.

A paper doll by Bonne Secrest, age 16.


November 03, 1939. A newspaper coloring contest to win tickets to the opera "The Bumble Bee Prince". - - - -Sorry about the lack of postings lately. I am trying to clean every nook and cranny in the house. Every closet, every drawer, everything! I have too much stuff and I am trying to decide what to keep and what to toss. I start painting the den tomorrow.