Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Theodore Wants To Be Your Valentine

February 09, 1912. Another of the Roosevelt Puzzles that appeared in many newspapers.

How Many Faces Can You Find In This Picture? The winner received an upright piano from Ambuhl Bros. Piano Company.

April 02, 1899. "Theodore Roosevelt was born in New York, Oct. 17, 1858; his father was a member of an old New York family, his mother a native of Georgia; he was slight in build and weak, which led him to athletics; attended private schools; graduated Harvard, 1880; married Miss Alice Lee of Boston, who died two or three years later, leaving a daughter; New York assembly, 1881-85; chairman New York delegation republican national convention, 1884; married Miss Edith Kermit Carow, 1886; defeated for mayor of New York, 1886; at odd times lived on his Montana ranch; civil service commissioner at Washington from 1889 to 1895; president police board New York from 1895 to 1897; assistant secretary navy, 1897-98; lieutenant colonel Rough Riders (First U. S. Volunteer Cavalry) May 6; in battle La Quasimas, first of the war, June 24; in battle San Juan, July 1, 2; promoted to be colonel a few days later; got up the famous round robin, protesting against plan of administration to keep soldiers in Cuba till fall, Aug. 3; landed at Mantauk, Aug. 15; left regiment Sept. 13; nominated for governor Sept. 27; elected by 18,079 plurality, Nov. 8; inaugurated January 2, 1899; father of six children and author of "The Naval War of 1812", "Life of Thomas H. Benton", "Life of Gouverneur Morris", "Ranch Life and the Hunting Trail", "The Winning of the West", "Essays on Practical Politics", "The Wilderness Hunter", "Hero Tales From American History"; his home is at Oyster Bay, N.Y."

- - - - - - Teddy's life up to April 1899 with so much yet to happen!

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