Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Dollhouse Kitchen, 1917

"Betty is the busiest little dollhouse girl that I know. She has tied on a big apron and is making good things to eat in the dollhouse kitchen. Do you see the cunning pans of biscuits she has ready to go in the oven? Next she will make some little round cakes covered with pink frosting. Fluffy, the white kitten, is interested. His little pointed ears stand up eagerly, his little pink nose goes "sniff, sniff," and the thought inside of his little head is, "I smell something good. I hope Betty will give me a taste." If you wish Betty, Fluffy and the little kitchen outfit to be a part of your dollhouse, paste all of these patterns onto stiff paper or cardboard, then cut them out. Color them with your crayons or water colors." - The Dollhouse Kitchen appeared in the Dallas Morning News on May 20, 1917.

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