Friday, February 11, 2011


INSPIRATION by Juanita Hamel appeared in newspapers in February of 1923. "Any birthday, so 'tis said, ought to be a day of reckoning up of past performances and a planning of better thoughts and finer deeds. How much greater then, is a memory-filled birthday--a nation mirroring hour - when, looking on the pictured face of such a man as LINCOLN, one beholds within the kindly eyes an inspiration. The inspiration which fills the heart with hope, even such a hope as that he - seen in the witchery of the dream-haunted fire, he whose arms are always stretched toward her - will strive in his small way forever to be worthy of her and her ideal!"
CRINOLINE CUT-OUT NOVELTY by Emma McKean appeared in newspapers in February of 1963. "In the days of ABRAHAM LINCOLN, whose birth we commemorate this week, young ladies dressed differently. This was a time of crinoline skirts and petticoats, and flaring bell-shaped dresses. If you'd like to see how little girls dressed then, paste the diagram above to thicker paper or thin cardboard and cut out the doll and apparel. Color dress, hat and parasol neatly with whatever colors you wish. When you are ready to dress the doll, place costume over figure and bend tabs back around her. Using scissors or a sharp knife, carefully cut along dotted lines of hat and parasol. Slip hat down over doll's head and slide parasol over her arm.
While it doesn't seem likely that the style of early American dress worn by this doll will come into fashion soon again, crinoline-type petticoats have made a come-back in recent years."

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